I tried to redefine my own story
I much prefer the story where you kiss me randomly
You were just a party animal and I was getting fed up
I told you that I loved you
I went somewhere else
The past is gone
Let's forget our mistakes
Let's learn a little from our mistakes
Despite everything I was there as you were there
Give me your desire
Offer me your heart filled with humor, beauty and all its surroundings
I would like to take back your love
I would like to take back your love
The future is only certain
The minutes pass quickly as time ages us
I tried to redefine my own story
I told you I love you,
I offered you my proofs
without having a return
without having a return
I didn't need it
So ...
The past is gone
Let's forget our mistakes
Let's learn a little from our mistakes
Despite everything I was there as you were there
I would like to take back your love
I would like to take back your love
The future is only certain
The minutes pass quickly as time ages us
Give me your desire
Offer me your heart filled with humor, beauty and all its surroundings
I would like to take back your love
I would like to take back your love