The places

De Vins le 22/08/2023 (2 visites depuis 7 jours)

From the rolling hills of Ireland, to the streets of Tokyo,
There's a world out there, waiting for us to go.
In the heart of Paris, where romance fills the air,
Or the bustling streets of New York, where dreams are shared.

Oh, the places we'll go, across lands and seas,
Exploring the wonders, feeling the breeze.
From the mountains to the oceans, the cities so grand,
In every corner of the Earth, adventure at hand.

In the African savannah, where lions freely roam,
Or the ancient ruins of Rome, where history has grown.
From the vibrant colors of India, to the pyramids of Egypt,
Each place has a story, waiting to be kept.

Oh, the places we'll go, across lands and seas,
Exploring the wonders, feeling the breeze.
From the mountains to the oceans, the cities so grand,
In every corner of the Earth, adventure at hand.

And as we sail across the seas, the oceans wide and deep,
We'll discover hidden treasures, secrets we'll keep.
From the Caribbean's turquoise waters, to the Great Barrier Reef,
The beauty of the oceans, beyond belief.

In the snowy peaks of the Swiss Alps, where skiers glide,
Or the serene beaches of Bali, where peace resides.
From the cherry blossoms of Japan, to the Amazon rainforest,
Nature's wonders, a sight to be blessed.

Oh, the places we'll go, across lands and seas,
Exploring the wonders, feeling the breeze.
From the mountains to the oceans, the cities so grand,
In every corner of the Earth, adventure at hand.

So let's pack our bags, and set off on this journey,
To explore the world, with hearts full of glee.
For in the diversity of places, we'll find unity,
A reminder of the beauty that surrounds humanity.

L'auteur :

Bonjour, je m’appelle Vincent

Je suis de Nouvelle-Calédonie mais je suis arrivé il y’a un an de ça en février 2022 sur Angers en France.

J’écris la plupart du temps des chansons d’amour ou triste et j’espère un jour avoir quelqu’un qui pourra chanter mes chansons et je l’attend désespérément car je ne joue pas d’instrument , j’écris juste les paroles et c’est mon plus grand rêve et le métier que je veux vraiment faire depuis tout petit.

N’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un message si vous êtes intéressé.

I also speak english :

Hello, my name is Vincent

I am from New Caledonia but I arrived a year ago in February 2022 in Angers in France.

I write mostly love or sad songs and I hope one day to have someone who can sing my songs and I'm desperately waiting for it because I don't play an instrument, I just write the lyrics and it's my biggest dream and the job I really wanted to do since I was little.

Feel free to send me a message if you are interested.

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