Your superhero

De Inisaia le 13/03/2018 (9 visites depuis 7 jours)

I knew at the first moment that it was you
Your eyes your lips and your looks said it to me.
And all that I would like to make
It is to be with you and to be happy, but

The shyness prevents us
The fear from it prevents us
People from it prevents us
The time from it prevents us from it!

I am your superhero
You know the one that you like
You know that of your dreams
And who shall do everything you

Masked or no
My feelings cannot hide
The one who feel things
Not as I made it while I kissed you

I know that evenings the blood flows on your skin
That your veins ask only to be opened
I beg you do not make it, you deserve better than that,
If you want that we see each other on roofs

And as soon as I saw the countdown
I knew that it was only a question of seconds
Then in this coffee, you asked me, and I accepted, we were admitted.

Twenty minutes. What you would make you? If it was the time which you had to live?
We made it, I did not regret, you in me, no do not go out!

Twenty …kiss me… fifteen… don't forget me… ten … I loves you ...five… BANG BANG!

I am your superhero
You know the one that you love
You know that of your dreams
And who shall do everything you

Masked or no
My feelings cannot hide
The one who feel things
Not as I have him make while I kissed you

(It) is too late; he affected touched me.
Do not make pour your tears, maintaining that he lowered his weapon
I can leave for peace, I have make what I have make, I kissed you
I do not have time any more
The only thing which I regret it is not to have had time
You are my idol, I lost control, I loved you
Meter with zero. He stays in you 64 years.

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